Me and you :)



Hello, to myself.

I have been reflecting a lot this year. 2017 has ended, and I thought I would wanna do a 7-years recap for me to pause and look back on significant things I did/felt/received and how can I better plan my way forward. 

2010 - 23yo

1. Madly in love with my huney.
2. Final year of operating my Nice On Girls business 😢 (miss this)
3. Went to Melbourne and had my first flight alone back to KL (completely alone)
4. Did well,  academically. Alhamdulillah

2011 (My forever roller coaster year) - 24yo

1. Final year as a student. Graduated. MARA loan got waived
2. Relationship wise, being single - engaged - married - pregnant. All in the same year!
3. First job at Perbadanan Putrajaya & moved to Scope International Standard Chartered
4. Rocky left us. (our cat)
5. Huney was warded for months! Appendix pecah

2012 - 25yo

1. Realized that hati ini milik Allah & we have no control over it
2. Endured a most depressing phase without letting it out
3. Gave birth to my ever wonderful baby,  Mohammad Hazmy
4. Made one major decision in life, to save or not to save (it's too personal for me to mention here)
5. Worked my ass out and realized that I am a workaholic. Started doing bridal makeup too.

2013 - 26yo

1. Did an award winning project at work. Alhamdulillah.
2. Ami suffered 2nd degree burn on his left wrist. He was also circumcised.
3. Lived a hectic life
4. Bought our first home in Kajang and moved out from Bangi

2014 - 27yo

1. Warded for 6 days for serious hormonal issue. Bled for 3 freaking months. Diagnosed as a PCOS-er
2. Started Masters in Corporate Communication in UPM
3. Endured a very very hectic life,  juggling with marriage, family, work & study.
4. Hubby went full time with his business. Supported him well.

2015 - 28yo

1. Made a move to iSentia as a Media Analyst covering South East Asia based clients
2. Completed Masters. Alhamdulillah. That comprehensive exam (CE) killed some of my brain cells i think. Haha.
3. Went to Ho Chi Minh with colleagues, thanks boss! It was my first oversea trip with friends
4. Huney patah tangan. And it is not fully healed, and he couldn't ride his bike dah 😢

2016 - 29yo

1. Started on piano class,  seriously. After a long break since 2008
2. Joined GreenTech Malaysia & organized IGEM
3. Met the most cruel boss and endured the torture well
4. Get very well organized with both personal & work life. Ami entered a tadika.

2017 - 30yo

1. Joined MRCB and blessed with a super great boss! A very manageable and less busy working period
2. Financially doing well and my financial management skill gets better. Alhamdulillah
3. Developed leadership skills well and taking a break from work to attend various courses!
4. Did some serious rules breaking (I'm not a criminal though) and realized that I have so much to offer when I love myself even more!
5. Marked a beginning of goldenmz in December and gets excited with it!

2018 - I WISH TO

1. Enjoy myself. When I'm happy,  I will spread love generously to others (am I selfish for this kinda wish?)
2. Trust people more. People might lie and hurt me.  But I have to learn to trust people more
3. Serap ilmu banyak2 at work and get myself ready to hop to another company, hopefully in 2019
4. Still be a workaholic because I just love to be one :)

This is a long post but I don't really care as I will be the one reading it later on. So long 2017, you have been wonderful. Thank you for the memories.
~The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.~


Jalan-jalan cari makan at cameron highlands


Sempena anniversary yang ke3 baru2 ni, kami sekeluarga bercuti ke cameron highlands. Dalam pada tak berapa sihat tu, sempat juga spend 4 hari di sana.

Sebelum pergi, beriy google apa yang menarik sebab taknaklah buat benda yang sama je kan..antara review yang best, steamboat di hotel rosa passadena, dessert di lavendar city dan dessert di big red strawberry farm..

Di lavender farm..dessert dia yummehhhh! Byk sgt pilihan. Cuma kami x makan sgt sebab perjalanan masih jauh dan sy ni mabuk sket..pekena aiskrim lavender je jawabnya.

Malam kedua kami pekena steamboat. Sorry takde gambar sbb dh lapar sgt. Haha. Oklah, rm50 utk 2pax..portion just nice. Tak byk lebih cuma kurg seafood la. Takpelah, janji merasa kan..

The nxt morning, ke big red farm. Haaaa yg ni besttttt. Sedap2 weh makanan dia. Macam gambar tu, brekpes ala2 omputih..ami pn suka sgt makan kt time pergi, memang nak repeat lagi lah!

Gambar satu lagi tu, it is me with my chinese uncle yg memang duduk di cameron. G sana wajiblah jumpa dia kan. Lepak pulak di Jtea cafe. Serious makanan dia sedap. Kami pekena western food kt sana.

Oklah tu je nk cerita pasal makanan di cameron yang sy berkenan bebenor. Till then. Tataaaa


The sakit perempuan.


I have been made aware of my fertility issue since i was 13..where my menses are irregular and it never gets better even after i gave birth to my ever charming baby.

Im worried if i wont be able to conceive again.

I missed being pregnant.


Kiss the dummy!

I want to be a certified first aider!

What a random shoutout of the day. Thanks Scope for the opportunity to join the training.

Ai kan tukang buat event. Sometimes i am quite worried of any medical casualties especially during my events. I dont aim much. I just wanted to be able to rationally help people b4 d pro help arrives.

Erm. Enough shoutout for the day.



And life goes on..


Baiklah. It seems that more than a year i keep this blog unattended.

Life is good, Alhamdulillah. Went through major challenges in life and i managed to pull myself together and life goes on..and on..

Surprisingly i am still working at the same company and im entering my 3rd year at Scope. Hence the responsibility grows bigger and i shud admit, im struggling to deliver my very best.

Whats more interesting this back to school! Doing masters while working and taking care of the family is not easy at all!! Thanks husband for being so supportive. I know he misses my cookings but he's such a good sport..cooks his own meals day n night while im not around..

Family is great. Ami is 1 year and 10 months now and i am looking forward to throw him a simple birthday party as we missed the 1st one. We did party packs last year but did not hold any celebration at our place. Sorry for that baby.

Tapikan..bila sibuk memanjang ni..rindu nk lepak dgn kwn2..rindu nk makan tido makan tido..hahaha (ni mmg hobi)..tapi takpelah..biar bersusah sekarang. Bersenang2 kemudian kan..

Oklah. Nak off to bed dulu. Nanti update lagi yeah. Hopefully tahun ni jugalah. Kihkih.



Mr. A is now on semi solid food!

My dear Ami is now ready to have his semi solid food. Mummy is so proud! Thehehe.

Few weeks before we started, I was going crazy over those homemade food support groups, websites etc. This is something fun but safety comes first! I need to study which food is consumable by mr. A according to his phase. No sugar no salt no egg etc. The list goes on..

For a start, I made him a delicous pear puree. Stim the pear, puree and filter. Sedapppp! Insy sy akan ikut 4 days rule, nak tgk dia poopoo cane, ade alergi ke tak and berapa cpt dia hadam..knowing my A yang kuat minum tu, sejam je bertahan after food. lepas tu da mintak susu. Hehe

Now he is finishing his first 4 days rule. Tomorrow boleh makan apple! Nyummy..

Be gud my little A. Mummy syg Ami sgt2!


Obses hidupku.

Sekarang, ami dah berusia 6 bulan. Sy dh mula jadi mak yg obses dgn anak sendiri.


Cerita bulan oktober.

Seperti yg telah dijangka, blog ni terabai lg buat kesekian kalinya. Sy update ajelah yea.

Sekarang memang zaman bz. Kerja x usah ceritalah..berapa kali enche shimi majuk sbb sy balik lambat. Tapi x la terlalu kerap. Average dalam pkl 7 lebih sy sampai rumah.

So far keje ok..alhamdulillah dh permanent n ada kenaikan gaji. Apa pun sy syukur. Belum pernah berlapar lg..

Now ami is doing great. Dia dah mula ajak borak (bahasa dia la). Makin hari makin sayang kt budak kecik ni..bila kat ofis, terkenang je muka dia. X sabar nak balik n peluk anak..he is such a darling. Mak ayah pn kemain syg kt ami..cuma ami ni kuat meragam sikit. Biasalah, budak kan..kita yg dewasa ni sabar jelah..

Sy dan enche shimi pulak alhamdulillah bahagia sokmo..rasa pelik jugak sekarang bertiga. Dah mula rindu nk dating berdua. Hehe. Takpa, tggu ami besar sikit boleh la hantor kt rumah mak..kami dalam proses cari rumah sewa. Mmg best dpt duduk rumah mak..tapi kami nk bina keluarga sendiri. Kenalah pulak mmg manja habis. Mana ada masak sendiri..makan masakan ayah je hari2. Hehehe. Makin pemalas jadinya nnti..

Oklah, nk kena iron baju..selamat malam =)

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